Thermal colanders: at least 5.2 million main residences concerned in France

A study published on July 22 by the National Observatory for Energy Renovation (ONRE) revises the number of main housing concerned when they were 4.8 million in 2018.

Le Monde with AFP

According to A study of the National Observatory for Energy Renovation (Onre), published on July 22, France counts 5.2 million” Energy TOCKS “on 30 million main residences, more than during the previous estimate established by the organization in 2018.

According to the new method of calculating the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), which has labeling since 2021 housing from A to G according to their energy consumption and their level of greenhouse gas emission, these are 17 , 3 % of housing in the park of main residences which are classified f or g.

In January 2018, the onre evaluated the number of thermal colanders at 4.8 million among the main residences, or 16.7 % of the park. ”

According to the new study published in July by the organization, approximately 1.5 million main residences (5 % of the park) are on the contrary considered “unpleasant”, labeled A or B by the DPE.

The share of energy colanders is higher among second homes (32 %, or 1.2 million dwellings) and among vacant dwellings (27 %, or 0.8 million dwellings).

The heating mode and the characteristics of the accommodation (surface, construction date, etc.) “influence energy performance”, specifies the study. Thus, “the housing heated with fuel oil is 44 % to be classified F or G (…). On the contrary, the accommodation heated with gas or wood and by a heat network appear more efficient (respectively 12 % and 13 % D ‘labels f and g) “, according to the onre.

Furthermore, “the smallest housing are the most energy -consuming”: almost 34 % of housing of less than 30 square meters have a F or G label, against 13 % of homes over 100 square meters. Energy colanders are also more frequent among individual houses than among collective habitats, and in the private park than in the social park.

The 1 er July, new rules relating to the energy renovation of housing has entered into force, including the end of the sale of new oil and coal boilers. The new government has also said that it would be one of its main sites, inscribed in the fight against global warming, in order to limit energy losses.

/Media reports.