The Bordeaux club in financial difficulties, threatened to finish in the 3rd division, was drafted in extremis, three days before the start of the new season.
Le Monde with AFP
The decision marks the end of a long soap for the Girondins de Bordeaux. Wednesday, July 27, the club was officially drafted in Ligue 2 on the decision of the Executive Council of the French Football Federation (FFF), three days before the season.
The club must also be summoned by the National Directorate of Control and Management (DNCG) “to judge any immediate measurement and control measure against him”, and the Girondins will be under “reinforced and regular financial control During the 2022-2023 season, “said the FFF press release.
After several appeals, Bordeaux, relegated sporting in L2 then administratively demoted in National (3 e division) by the DNCG, is therefore authorized to play the new season in Ligue 2, which begins on Saturday, against Valenciennes.
A decision in accordance with the opinion of the National Olympic Committee
“We welcome this decision which is a huge relief for the club, we players and players, as well as for our 300 employees and our partners and supporters”, welcomed in a press release Thomas Jacquemier, Deputy Managing Director of the Club.
“This is finally excellent news. The Girondins de Bordeaux are saved, breathes for its side Alain Anziani, the president (PS) of Bordeaux Métropole. All those who have mobilized to achieve this result must be thanked . We must now turn to the future and write a new sports story. “
suffering from great budgetary difficulties, the Girondins were saved in extremis by the FFF, which brought together in emergency on Wednesday morning its “Comex”. The leaders returned to the decision issued and confirmed on appeal by the DNCG, which condemned the Girondins to start the 2022-2023 season in National, at the risk of a bankruptcy of the club.
The Comex followed the proposal to conciliation of the National Olympic Committee (CNOSF). Monday, the latter had indeed rendered an advisory opinion favorable to maintenance in Ligue 2 of the Girondins de Bordeaux.
Not yet materialized at the time of the auditions at the DNCG, in July, the guarantees provided since the club ended up convincing the Federation and its President Noël Le Graët, which had been very critical of the management of the club six times from France.