The start of sales will take place in February 2023, by packs of three events or sessions to choose, before the opening of tickets to the unit in May. In total, thirteen million tickets will be offered for the Olympic Games.
Le Monde with AFP
Almost two years from the Olympic Games (OJ) in Paris 2024, the organizers unveiled, Monday, July 25, their slogan and detailed the program and the ticket office. An edition placed under the sign of opening: “Let’s open the games, calls the organizing committee at the end of a short video of one minute and thirty seconds .
Unique for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the slogan wants to be synonymous with inclusion to people with disabilities, openness to the territories “from Versailles to Saint-Denis”, where several tests will take place, and witness of “” audacity, creativity, avant-garde spirit that make up the identity of France “, according to the Organizing Committee (Cojo).
If the Latin Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, that is “faster, higher, stronger”, each city city chooses its own slogan to accompany its edition. “” Let’s open the games big “, it is, finally, our course since the first day, it is this ambition to think all the markers for the opening,” said the boss of the cojo, Tony Estanguet, after his meeting With the Government and the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.
First joint OJ
In addition to this motto, the COJO detailed the Olympic Game program, whose opening ceremony will be held on July 26, 2024, in two years. The organizers wanted to “work on a better balance in male and female tests”, insisted Michaël Aloïsio, spokesperson for Paris 2024.
“The 2024 Paris Games will be the first joint Olympics”, he recalled, before announced that, “not to install the idea that female tests launch male tests”, the female marathon The male test will follow and will close the athletics program, for the first time since its integration in the Olympic Games in 1984.
In this spirit, the final of the Women’s Olympic Basketball Tournament will also take place after that of basketball players, the last day of the Olympics, and female judo, table tennis, canoe or athletics will take place in session of “Prime Time”.
thirteen million tickets offered in February 2023
The pricing grid, “accessible to the greatest number” according to Mr. Estanguet, was also on the agenda: “50 % of Olympic tickets, 50 % of paralympic tickets for less than 50 euros, and only 8 % Tickets at more than 200 euros are the ambition to have (…) full stadiums. “Michaël Aloïsio also announced that,” for all sports, tickets start [have] at 24 euros, with An overall volume of one million tickets at this rate “.
Finally, concerning the ticket system, Olympic sports enthusiasts will have to register for a draw in December 2022, then the start of sales will take place in February 2023, by packs of three events or sessions to choose, before The opening of tickets per unit in May. In total, thirteen million tickets will be offered for the Olympic Games.
“People will be able to compose their packs, by drawing: some will want several table tennis sessions, others will be in Marseille and will want to see sailing and football …”, explained Mr. Aloïsio.