The deputies of Horizons, the party of the former Prime Minister, voted against the government, Saturday during the examination of the amending finance bill. An alert sent to the executive and its way of treating its allies within the majority.
A signal. Or rather, a warning. The laborious vote in the National Assembly of the text aimed at protecting the purchasing power of the French and the amending finance bill supposed to take into account the new deal linked to the war in Ukraine, will leave traces within the majority Presidential. Admittedly, the deputies of the Republicans (LR) seem to be more courted by the government every day, making the left wing of the “Macronie” more and more feverish. Despite its bullying towards the executive, LR made it possible to vote most of the texts and amendments. The right has, it is true, many points of agreement with the program of Emmanuel Macron, which she described as a “copy-paste” of that of their candidate Valérie Pécresse during the presidential campaign.
But the art of compromise remains a difficult exercise for majority deputies. The Renaissance presidential party, accustomed during the five years spent carrying out the government’s orders alone, will have shown its difficulty in coaching the opposition on subjects described, however, as the “sweet” part of the Emmanuel Macron program. What about the “salty”, when it is a question of voting the budget or the pension reform?
More disturbing, macronists also had to suffer the anger of one of their allies. Everyone keeps in memory the episode the episode which took place in the evening of Saturday July 23 during the vote of an amendment deposited by the finance committee, aimed at allocating 120 million euros to the departments to compensate for the increase of 4 % active solidarity income (RSA) for which they are responsible. Against the opinion of the government, the amendment received the approval of the LR, of the National Rally (RN) but also of thirteen deputies from Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe, support from the self -sales head of state ” Loyal but free “.
partners put” before the fait accompli “
“There was a double signal in this vote. Basically and on the form,” said Laurent Marcangeli, leader of the Horizons group in the Assembly. On the merits, the former mayor of Ajaccio intended to make the government heard that he had to review his way of treating the “territories”. Leaving elected officials, close to the mayors and located in the right center of the political spectrum, Horizons does not intend to feed the discomfort between Emmanuel Macron and the councilors dating from the first five -year term because, in particular, of the suppression of the tax of Housing. The recovery of public accounts cannot be done on the back of local authorities, we underline within the “Philippist” party.
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