With more than 800 cases identified, the city is at the American epidery of the epidemic, which mainly affects multipartary homosexuals. The associations denounce the inertia of the administration biden.
They were a hundred in front of the Manhattan courthouse, to have answered the Act Up association. This Thursday, July 21, Mordechai Levovitz, founder of Jewish Queer Youth, an association for helping Jewish homosexuals, harangues the crowd: “Are you angry?” And to attack the Biden administration, accused of answering Too timidly to the variolate epidemic of the monkey which mainly affects the New York multipartenaries homosexuals: “This administration says that it is our friend. But putting the rainbow flag does not mean anything if you do not take care of yourself of your homosexual friends. “
According to the City Health Department, there were July 19 in New York 639 confirmed cases of a vario of the monkey, touching at 97.7 % of men – only one woman was contaminated. The patients are 52.4 % LGBT, 1.4 % heterosexual and 46.2 % with sexual orientation still not specified. “If you are a man with sex with men and you have multiple or anonymous sexual partners, your probability of exhibition is high,” warns the city’s website, who specifies that “everyone can catch and transmit the variole of the monkey “. The gallop epidemic. The number of cases identified in New York increased from 200 in three days, to reach 839 Friday out of a total of 2,891 throughout the country.
“Manhattan is the epicenter of the epidemic, but the city did not have its fair share of vaccines. We had 30 % of infections, but only 10 % of the doses”, deplores Jason Cianciotto, vice- President of the AIDS GMHC Association. These are indeed transported in droppings. To be entitled to a vaccine, administered free of charge and managed by the federal state, you must be of age, be homosexual, bisexual or transgender having had multiple or anonymous relationships in the past two weeks. Above all, we must first register on the internet, but the computer system has been failed three times and above all, the meetings fly away in a few minutes.
“The next meeting will be open tomorrow at 6 pm”, hopes Ty Boring, who has not managed to find a niche for several weeks. This Sunday, July 24, impossible to reserve the slightest vaccination on the internet. To unlock the situation, the federal government bought 1.1 million doses from a Bavarian Nordic factory, installed in Denmark, but the authorizations of the Food and Drugs Administration, which was to inspect the factory, dragged to the mid-July.
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