Left deputies, mostly communist, signed a proposal for a resolution condemning the “institutionalized apartheid regime” by Israel against the Palestinians, attracting a condemnation of the representative council of the Jewish institutions of France which speaks of “anti -Semitism” under the cover of “anti -Zionism”.
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The term “apartheid”, which many human rights organizations have adopted in recent months to qualify the Palestinian domination system set up by Israel, has entered the National Assembly. Friday July 22, window A proposal for resolution , co-signed by thirty-seven left deputies, who condemns the “apartheid regime instituted by Israel against the Palestinian people”, was made public.
The text accuses the Hebrew state of having established a “system of systematic oppression and discrimination”, “with the intention of maintaining the domination of an ethnic – national – racial group on another”, this which corresponds to the definition of apartheid crime, as it appears in the status of Rome of 1998, founder of the International Criminal Court.
Resolutions are opinions, issued by one of the two chambers of Parliament on a determined subject, which do not have the force of law. The text in question was developed on the initiative of the Communist Jean-Paul Lecoq, vice-president of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Most of the signatories (21 out of 37) are members of the French Communist Party (PCF), like Fabien Roussel, the National Secretary of the Party and ex-presidential candle.
Ten members of rebellious France, including Adrien Quatennens, lieutenant of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also supported the proposal, as well as four environmentalists and two socialists, without the text being officially labeled new popular union, Ecological and social (Nuts), the left intergroup in the hemicycle. As evidenced by the reaction on Twitter by Jérôme Guedj, socialist deputy for Essonne, who believes that the 24 pages of the text “transpire the detestation of Israel”. “I am for the recognition of the State of Palestine, I defended this position several times and for a long time. But by using the term apartheid and by wanting to legalize the boycott, there is a delegitimation of the State of Israel “, specifies the elected official of the PS, joined by Le Monde. “It is not the priority to put on the table a subject that can fracture the cloud, he adds. If we want to continue the adventure, we must understand that we force each other . “
” Mask of anti -Zionism “
The representative council of Jewish institutions in France reacted by criticizing an attempt to “delegitimize” the State of Israel. “This stigmatization is a reflection of anti -Semitism which is affected by the mask of anti -Zionism”, estimates the organization for which it contributes to “stirring hatred” in France, “in defiance of the security of Jewish French”.
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