Release of multimedia package FFMPEG 5.1

After six months of development available multimedia package FFMPEG 5.1 , including a set of applications and a collection of libraries for operations on various multimedia format (recording, converting and decoding of sound and video format). The package spreads under LGPL and GPL licenses, FFMPEG development is adjacent to the mplayer project. A significant change in the version number explains with significant changes in the API and the transition to a new release formation scheme, in accordance Which will be formed by new significant issues once a year, and releases with an extended time support – once every two years. FFMPEG 5.0 will be the first LTS release of the project.

from changes , added in ffmpeg 5.1, you can distinguish:

  • Added support for the decentralized file system IPFS and the protocol used with it to bind constant addresses IPNS. ​​
  • Added support for the format of image Qoi.
/Media reports.