More than 1,000 amendments have been deposited on the connective budget, the second text of the government containing measures aimed at responding to inflation. The exam started in pain on Friday afternoon.
Bruno Le Maire rarely resists the temptation to quote a great author. Monday, July 18, he summoned George Orwell before the deputies to portray himself as a “revolutionary” in the face of the criticisms of the alliance of the left parties (Nuts). Five days later, it was William Faulkner whose titles of different works he took up to call compromise oppositions.
The National Assembly was preparing Friday, July 23, to examine the connective budget, which contains several flagship measures for the purchasing power of households, such as the abolition of the audiovisual fee, the extension of the rebate 18 cents pump, or a new revenue check for large rollers. It is the second of the two bills in favor of purchasing power, the first having been adopted on the night of Thursday to Friday. Together, they mobilize more than 20 billion euros of public money.
“Our assembly can be” noise and fury “, warned the Minister of the Economy in his introductory remarks. It can also become, “if the debates drag on until late or early in the morning,” while Igonise “, he quipped. I offer you rather that this assembly is” light from August “”. An undoubtedly a little late message: more than 1,000 amendments to the text, which includes fifteen articles, had been deposited before the start of the session, promising a real background race for the executive. And at the end of the first day of debate, very lively, the deputies had not yet succeeded in reaching article one.
“We dispute your methods”
“This text does not respond to the emergencies of our time”, denounced the “rebellious” Eric Coquerel, president of the finance committee, annoying that the discourse of the minister “does not cite the word once salary “. “We dispute your methods which consist in multiplying the targeted checks on a few forgetting the middle classes without having the courage to lower taxes for all, for his part attacked Véronique Louwagie, leader of elected officials (LR) To the finance committee. The French pay taxes to the State, the State pays them checks with which they will pay new taxes. “Others have on the contrary requested a greater targeting of the measures, such as the deputy Lise Magnier (Horizons), or Charles de Courson (freedom and territories), for whom “general measures cost dearly and are effective neither socially nor economically”.
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