These attacks in the center and west of the country are partially imputed by the Malian army to the jihadist group Katiba Macina, close to al-Qaida.
Le Monde With AFP
Djihadist violence is up to Mali, where the army announced Thursday, July 21, the death of three soldiers and three “terrorists”, killed during a series of attacks perpetrated in the center and the west from the country. In a press release, the army attributed the attacks of the morning to the Katiba Macina, affiliated to the al-Qaida jihadist group.
In Douentza (center), an attack on the trapped vehicle followed by shots directed against a military post around 6:30 am (local and GMT), left one dead and thirteen injured among the soldiers, and three dead among the attackers, Indicates the press release.
a Kolokani, 120 kilometers north of Bamako (center), “around 5:30 am, complex and simultaneous attacks targeted the detachment of the anti -terrorist force and the territorial brigade of the gendarmerie”, killing and three injured among the soldiers. 2>
security crisis
Other attacks have been recorded in the localities of Koro, Ségou, Bapho and Mopti, without making any victims. Thursday, the Malian army had already announced that it had “neutralized” around fifty “terrorists” during several operations carried out between July 14 and 18 in the center and the east of the country.
Mali, a poor and landlocked country in the Sahel, has been immersed in a deep security, political and humanitarian crisis since the trigger of independence and jihadist insurrections in 2012 in the North. The country was the scene of two military coups in August 2020 and May 2021.
The power junta in Bamako turned away from France and its partners, thanks to Russia, in an attempt to stem the jihadist propagation which won the center of the country as well as Burkina Faso and the Niger Voisins.