The seven deputies and the seven senators of the joint joint committee agreed on Thursday on a text. The bill must now be voted by the two chambers on Monday July 25.
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After a delicate examination in the National Assembly – where the government was put in the minority -, and a rewriting in the Senate, the health bill has passed the stage of the joint joint committee (CMP), Thursday 21 July. The seven deputies and the seven senators agreed on a common text in the early afternoon after a forty-five of negotiations. This bill, which notably ends the state of health emergency on July 31, 2022, makes it possible to preserve several systems to combat the COVVI-19. The Minister of Health, François Braun, “praised” the agreement reached in CMP, welcoming this consensus to the service of the protection of the French “.
This common version acted in CMP had been negotiated with the government, the deputies Les Républicains (LR) and the rapporteur (Renaissance) of the text in the Assembly, Caroline Abadie, even before the arrival of the committee in the Senate in the Senate . By having the majority in CMP, with five elected officials against four for the presidential camp, the parliamentary right has a real negotiation tool to pass its proposals. “It was a CMP Potemkine”, quips the socialist senator from Paris, Marie-Pierre de la Gontrie.
The text rewritten by the Senator (LR) of the Manche, Philippe Bas, was thus adopted by the elected officials LR, the centrist senator and the parliamentarians of the majority (Renaissance, Modem, Gathering of Democrats, Progressive and Independent) . Socialist elected officials (two senators and a deputy) abstained. The deputy for the National Rally (RN) and that of La France Insoumise (LFI) voted against this version which almost took up the text adopted by the Senate, dominated by the right and the center, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, in public session. “Mr. Bas and the LR group made sure that what was voted by the Senate [Thursday] corresponds to what could satisfy both Renaissance and the LR of the Assembly,” said M me de la Gontrie.
A new and latest reading is scheduled for Monday July 25 in the two chambers to endorse this text. Without the common text validated in CMP is validated by oppositions. “In the current political situation, everyone has dropped something to take into consideration the hard points of each party. We will see [Monday] all those who have a sense of compromise,” warns M me Abadie. “The group will follow. The agreement is in accordance with our specifications,” says the deputy (LR) of the Channel, Philippe Gosselin, who does not exclude, however, that individuals are positioned differently.
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