The Paris industrial tribunal condemned the daily to pay a total of almost 52,000 euros to the journalist who had been dismissed for his participation in the Facebook group, whose members were accused of cyberbullying.
Le Monde with AFP
The daily Liberation who had dismissed journalist Vincent Glad for his participation in the LOL League, a Facebook group, whose members were accused of cyberbullying, was convicted of dismissal without real and serious cause and vexatiously. A decision that the daily will contest on appeal, according to information from the France-Presse agency (AFP).
The Paris industrial tribunal condemned the daily to pay a total of almost 52,000 euros to Vincent Glad, according to a decision of July 12 that AFP was able to consult, Thursday, July 21. Solicited by AFP, Liberation did not wish to comment on this decision, but intends to “contest the merits” on appeal.
The LOL League affair broke out in February 2019 after the publication of an article on the Fact-Checking site of Liberation Checknews. He revealed the existence of a private Facebook group called “Lol League”, bringing together around thirty journalists and communicators, accused of having cyberharceled other journalists and bloggers, notably women and feminist activists.
The journalist claimed 350,000 euros 2>
Regular freelance free of liberation, former Slate and Canal+, Vincent Glad had been suspended for a precaution a few days after the avalanche of revelations on the Facebook group which he had created in 2010, before being sent after an investigation internal.
In detail, the daily life is ordered to pay him 10,569 euros for “dismissal without real and serious cause” and 30,000 euros in compensation for “vexatious dismissal”. He claimed 350,000 euros for these same reasons, as well as for “Dismissal Null”.
Vincent Glad welcomed on Thursday in a statement, of this decision which, according to him, confirms, among other things, “the very heavy damage” which he suffered through this case, namely “threats of death “and his” Salie reputation “.