For the publisher of the first French economic daily newspaper, this acquisition of the Survey Institute is part of a diversification strategy, which aims to quickly bring the share of the turnover out of press to 25 %.
New acquisition in sight for the Echos-Le Parisien. The group, which pilots the two eponymous daily newspapers, is on the track to get their hands on the Institute of OpinionWay surveys, according to information from the letter A, confirmed to the world. The news was communicated to elected officials of the Les Echos group on Thursday, July 21, while those of Opinionway must be informed Tuesday 26.
Questioned, the Les Echos group does not comment. For the moment, the Institute still mainly belongs to its co -founders, Hugues Cazenave, its president, who has not responded to the world, Yann Aledo and Benjamin Gratton. For the publisher of the first French economic daily newspaper, this acquisition is part of a diversification strategy, which aims to quickly bring the share of the turnover out of press at 25 %.
The Institute OpinionWay, already a partner of the Presidential Echos, will enrich the Les Echos Etudes pole. It is not the political polls that interest the subsidiary of LVMH, but the marketing studies sold to companies. She thus wishes to offer an additional service to her customers, who already have the possibility of buying advertising inserts in the newspaper or on the web, of becoming content sponsors or event partners. Each year, Les Echos organize for example the Vivatech technology fair. To avoid a mixture of genres with writing, the institute will continue to operate independently and should even stay in its premises.
not yet emerged from the difficulties
Between the press group and the survey institute, the discussions started nine months ago in a fairly natural way, the two bosses, Pierre Louette and Hugues Cazenave, knowing each other for a long time. In 2021, OpinionWay recorded a turnover of 17.7 million euros and an operating profit of 1.26 million euros, according to the figures published in the commercial register. Shadow to the table, the company also admits, in its last accounts, to be in the “inability to assess the precise consequences [of COVID-19] on future years”. The Institute has not yet emerged from the difficulties of the year 2020, which had forced it to subscribe to a loan guaranteed by the State of 800,000 euros.
On the Echos-le Parisien side, the group has also enriched its financial offer by buying in Lagardère and living your money better to the Valmonde group, which publishes current values. In music, the classic radio owner also got their hands on 50 % of mezzo and Medici. A diversification strategy which he hopes will allow him to achieve balance.