Three young men were killed, on the night of Friday, 15 to Saturday 16 July. The alleged aggressor is a Sudanese refugee, already known to justice.
Atama was going to be 21 years old next week. Ismaël was only 16 years old and Manolito 18 years old. The three of them died in the night of Friday July 15 to Saturday July 16 on the Esplanade Coeur-de-Maine, in Angers, pierced, according to the first elements of the investigation, by the blade of a knife held by a 32 -year -old Sudanese refugee, who was indicted and imprisoned.
Forty-eight hours after the drama, the investigators were able to establish the thread of the events, while divergent versions circulated on social networks, relayed by the many young people present that night. “The facts began following the sexual assault of two young girls by the respondent, explained, in a press release, the public prosecutor of Angers, Eric Bouillard, Sunday July 17. First, he returned armed with a knife around 2:50 a.m. to bring three fatal shots to the three young victims. Three other people were more slightly injured by the same stabbing weapon. “
The alleged perpetrator arrived in France in France in 2016. It has a residence permit on French territory until 2028. He had already reported twice by criminal behavior, alcoholism on the public highway and aggression. For this, he was sentenced by the Saumur judicial court, reports Eric Bouillard.
During the night from Friday to Saturday, when many young people took advantage of the freshness of the night, sitting on the lawns of this esplanade which adjoins the Maine, the individual had first been put to fascinate by a group While trying to attack a first young woman. Despite the insults and the few shots exchanged, the aggressor returned on the spot an hour later with the same intentions.
“He threatened a young girl, tried to touch her breasts and put the knife under her throat. She shouted and Atama intervened, says a friend of the young man, quoted by the Courrier de l’Ouest . He told him to clear, that he was not allowed to do that, but the guy did not want to leave and he planted his knife in the chest. “His brother, Manolito, and Ismael, Their friend, also tried to intervene, before receiving a deadly blow.
Despite the drama that had just been played before their eyes, a handful of witnesses launched themselves in pursuit of the alleged murderer while others went to take shelter in the hall of a neighboring hotel. It is ultimately the police who will eventually challenge the individual at the end of a chase on the banks of the river.
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