In full debate on purchasing power in Parliament, the Minister of the Economy explains how the executive intends to find understanding fields with oppositions, but without “deviating from the mandate of the French”.
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Centerpiece of the government system at the start of the legislature marked by strong inflation and geopolitical tensions that affect growth, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, is on the front line when adopting by parliamentarians The emergency bill on the protection of purchasing power and on the amending finance bill by ensuring funding.
On purchasing power, oppositions accuse you of not sufficiently seek the compromise. Are you ready to find an agreement, especially on fuel, with the Republicans (LR)?
Of course! We are open to compromise. But we need a framework: nothing that can degrade our public finances, everything for climate transition, everything for work. The removal of fuel taxes is therefore not possible. It is an irreversible measure which would cost the taxpayer’s tens of billions of euros each year. And in addition to subsidize fossil energy. The government offers a discount of 18 euro cents per liter until 1 er October, then a more targeted allowance. If the LRs believe that it is necessary to do more than 18 cents, why not? One thing is certain: the compromises that will lead during discussions in the assembly must respect our envelope of 4.4 billion euros for 2022.
part of the majority is now favorable to a tax on The “superprofits”, to which you oppose …
Do not fall into an intellectual scam that would suggest that all French companies would have taken advantage of the crisis. Many of our companies are affected by the increase in energy prices and by supply difficulties. Only a few companies, especially in the energy and maritime transport sectors, have made significant profits. We ask them to make an effort. I am thinking in particular of Total and CMA-CGM. They made first commitments. Should they do more? Certainly yes. We will do the accounts during the 2023 finance bill.
Spain, Italy or the United Kingdom introduced this exceptional taxation…
You forget that these three countries have compulsory levy rates lower in ours! In France, with each difficulty, we respond with a new tax. This Pavlovian reflex in no way improves the purchasing power of the French. With the attractiveness of the country, the valuation of labor and support for businesses, the lower taxes is part of the political DNA of our majority. Confirm our political identity. Let us not give in to the sirens of oppositions. Let us stay ourselves. Let us never forget that our economic choices since 2017 have put us on the path of full employment and made France the most attractive country for foreign investments in Europe.
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