The choice of the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region surprised within the right-wing formation. The names of Eric Ciotti and Aurélien Pradié circulate to take the head of LR.
Often politician varies. Three years after having conspired him and pushed him to resign from his post as president of the Les Républicains (LR) party, here is the right crying Laurent Wauquiez and his decision not to run for the party’s head in November. Surprised by a choice it did not expect resolutely.
The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region said on his Facebook page on Sunday July 17, which he would not apply. “Today, after thinking a lot, I decided not to be a candidate for the presidency of the Republicans,” wrote the former minister. Specifying that “what is about is less to save a party than to save France”.
A shock for a number of LR frames who called this candidacy of their wishes. From Christian Jacob, ex-boss of the training, to Annie Genevard, current interim president of the party, passing by Bruno Retailleau, at the head of the right-wing senators at the Luxembourg Palace, there were several to be clear that C ‘ Was he and none other that would be to put the rue de Vaugirard, address of the party headquarters. To the point that Mr. Wauquiez, who however has many enemies within LR, had ended up appearing, for some, as the natural candidate. Whoever, according to them, could embody the ideas of the right, make it exist before leading it to the presidential election.
Regarding this last point, the elected official has absolutely not given up. Only, it is no longer by the way of the party that he plans to build a credible candidacy for 2027. “We must take distance from the political fight, because we no longer find any answer there , because the game of little sentences and sterile controversies no longer allows to hear the voice of the French “, justified, Sunday, in his text, Mr. Wauquiez.
By renouncing, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region opens the game for the succession of Christian Jacob at the head of LR. And plunges the party into an uncertain period. There was no doubt that, a candidate in November, he would win. All knew, within LR, that the elected official, and especially his line, sticks perfectly with the aspirations of members with more right -wing inclinations than those of most party executives.
Without him in the competition, difficult to know who could resume training and give him the whip of which many dream after so many failures during national polls. Because if LR remains a party established throughout France, with a network of mayors and regional presidents, it continues to record stinging defeats: 8.5 % to the Europeans, 4.8 % in the presidential election, 61 deputies in the new National Assembly, when he had more than a hundred during the previous legislature. These failures bringing together the members of the right their total disappearance on the national level.
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