The deputies began, on Monday, the examination of the bill to help the French to face inflation. Among the measures proposed by the government, the increase in pensions and social minima.
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There was often talk of George Orwell, Monday July 18 in the National Assembly, on the occasion of the first hours of examination of the bill on purchasing power. Executive measures to combat inflation? “As with Orwell, you have to read your words upside down,” attacked the deputy for rebellious France (LFI), Clémence lined up, challenging the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire seated in the front row of the Hemicycle. “In this bill, you knowingly organize, methodically, the reduction in the purchasing power of the French,” defended M me watched before Bruno Le Maire himself spins the metaphor for him Answer, by borrowing the prose of the British author “in the times of generalized deception, the only fact of telling the truth is revolutionary. The revolutionaries is us!”
The pass of weapons could make you smile but marks the tone of the debates which took place on Monday, until late in the evening at the Palais-Bourbon around the bill which provides in particular the revaluation of 4 % of pensions and minima social, that of 3.5 % on housing aid or the tripling of the “Macron premium” ceiling of 1,000 to 3,000 euros for the vast majority of companies.
It was on this last measure that the debates were carried on Monday in article 1 er of the text. The deputies, present in numbers, clashed on the merits of appeal to bonuses, proposed by the government, to help part of the employees to face inflation.
Some “will not be able to not go on vacation “
Through this “Macron premium”, set up in 2019 to respond to the crisis of “yellow vests”, overall deputies! defended a punctual measure to counter inflation which reached in June 6 % over a year. “We prefer that employees can, this summer, touch bonuses,” defended the president of the Renaissance group, Aurore Bergé, recalling that some of them “will not be able to go on vacation”.
“You fracture the company between those touching the checks and those who are not entitled to it,” said the Republicans (LR) of Meurthe-et-Moselle, Thibault Bazin a few hours before. Standing wind, the elected officials of the new popular, ecological and social union (Nuts) tirelessly pleaded for the revaluation of wages. “The premiums are a scam,” advanced the “rebellious” MP for Meurthe-et-Moselle Caroline Fiat, arguing that “it is not a bonus that will settle the concern [of employees] who do not know how they go Survive while they are underpaid for their work, while their life has become a real nightmare “.
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