Bags and suitcases still remain to be distributed to their owners after their accumulation in the airport following the July 1 strike.
Passengers will still have to wait! Fifteen days after the strike of ADP Group staff, intervened on 1 e e er July, all of the luggage blocked at Roissy airport had still not been returned to the legitimate owners. However, Air France said on Friday July 15, “the situation is under control and we come back to normal operations”.
To speed up the movement, the company declares that it has added “a reinforcement team of about a hundred people per night to unclog the overflow”. An effort confirmed by Augustin de Romanet, CEO of Group ADP, which added on his side a “thirty collaborators” to send the suitcases trapped to Roissy to their original destinations. According to the airline, the a few thousand luggage in suffering are being “transported to the destination stops”.
For passengers who left for their vacation places without their suitcases, these operations seem exasperating slowness. This is explained by the gigantic number of suitcases which accumulated after the strikers started with several hours late the sorter with luggage which distributes them towards the different flights departing. In particular the very morning flights of low -cost companies.
“Escale management is not the responsibility of ADP”
In total, nearly 35,000 bags and suitcases of all kinds have remained at the airport. Very far from the only 3,500 counted initially by ADP group. Two weeks later, Mr. de Romanet apologized and admitted “ADP’s fault”. But he claims that “all the luggage blocked by the strike of 1 er July were transported on Wednesday July 13″, just twenty-four hours before the end of the grace period fixed by the new Minister for Transport, Clément Beaune. “I had given a goal of five to seven days last week, and everything ended last night, in six days,” said the minister, Friday July 15, on the BFM-TV branch .
The group of Group ADP considers to have acted with a certain speed, because, he points out, “in the past, the companies made the luggage after three months”. A satisfaction that does not mean, however, that all the passengers have recovered their effects well. The delivery of luggage from stopovers is only a step, before they are returned in hand specific to their owners at their vacation places. Precisely, the CEO of the manager of the Parisian airport said that “the management of stopovers is not the responsibility of ADP”, but that of the airline.
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