The country’s feminists strongly oppose the bill of a majority deputy according to which the current matrimonial regime is a “hypocrisy”.
“There is no polygamy in Côte d’Ivoire, there are men who have several mistresses. Say things with their words, these are people who feel upset by fidelity in the Household! “Constance Yaï, former Ivorian Minister of Solidarity and the Promotion of Women, did not hide her anger on Monday, July 11, during a press conference organized by the Ivorian League for Women’s Rights.
This pioneer of Ivorian feminism protested against the proposal for the optional legalization of polygamy, tabled on June 30 at the National Assembly by Yacouba Sangaré, deputy of the presidential majority (RHDP).
The parliamentarian, elected in the abidjan commune of Koumassi, wishes to question the monogamic marriage instituted in the country in 1964. He wants to give the possibility of having several joints or spouses in agreement with the future groom (e ). A modification of the law on marriage supposed, according to him, be more in line with the reality of the country.
“Polygamy is a taboo subject in our society when it is lived daily,” says the deputy RHDP who says he conduct sociological surveys and work on the subject since 2014. He considers that she is practiced by customary law “In all regions of Côte d’Ivoire, all social strata, all religions”. According to him, if the law which imposes monogamy is not applied without leading to sanctions, “this means that the company tolerates it”.
“unhealthy consequences”
The deputy, who presented his proposal to the press on July 7 in the company of several male colleagues, also claims to have numerous supports including women within the Parliament and does not intend to retreat to the oppositions. Because, he says, it is also a question of protecting the wives. “Sometimes the situation is sweated and seen from everyone, the co-wife is part of the family, but it is in absolute precariousness because it is not married,” he said, saying that the regime current matrimonial is a “hypocrisy”.
“Perhaps, but lifting this forbidden is not the right solution, retorts Bintou Mariam Traoré, feminist activist member of the League, famous for her hashtag #vraiefemmeaine who flood social networks in March 2020 to denounce and derision the injunctions made to the women of the continent. It is rather necessary to emphasize the control and the penalization of these men who combine several women. “
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