If this increase may seem good news for savers, it should not make us forget that the rate, even revalued, will remain significantly lower than inflation, measured by INSEE at 5.8 % over a year In France in June.
Le Monde with AFP
The Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, proposed, Thursday, July 14, to double the rate of booklet A 2 % from 1 er August – his highest level for almost ten years. This “significant” increase and that of the Popular Savings Booklet (LEP), which would drop from 2.2 % to 4.6 % at the same time, “support the remuneration of savers in the face of the rise in prices”, According to a press release from the central bank.
In an interview with Parisien Published in the evening, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, confirmed these two increases. “On booklet A like on the LEP, we have chosen to follow the recommendations of the Governor of the Banque de France,” he said.
The popular savings book is reserved for people with income not exceeding certain ceilings (20,297 euros annually, for example, for a single person). “The LEP is the most effective placement to protect against inflation. But it is not well known! Fifteen million of our compatriots have the right to open a LEP and less than half have one,” regretted The Minister of the Economy, who announced a “campaign (…) who will directly contact by e-mail with the French concerned”.
a rate that will remain significantly lower than inflation
For its part, the Banque de France “recalls its support for this instrument which makes it possible to protect the purchasing power of popular savings”, explains the press release, while also deploring that too few eligible people hold it .
Savings product held by the most French, the booklet A sees its rate calculated automatically twice a year. The calculation formula makes the average between, on the one hand, the average inflation rate of the last six months and, on the other hand, the average of interbank rates, to which banks are exchanged in short -term money . In February, the remuneration of booklet A had already doubled, going from 0.5 %, a historic floor, to 1 %.
If this increase may seem good news for French savers, it should not make us forget that the rate, even revalued, will remain very much lower than inflation, measured by INSEE at 5.8 % on A year in France in June.
A false good deal? “Absolutely not!” Replied Bruno Le Maire to the Parisian. “In the current situation, no other product offers as much security. The placement is guaranteed and the interest is tax exempt. You can unlock your money when you wish and the yield is guaranteed at 2 %,” said the Minister .