The ex-prefect Jean-François Etienne des Rosaies, stationed at the Elysée between 2007 and 2010, received more than 500,000 euros in remuneration for having sat on the supervisory board of the Ardéchoise family bank.
Jean-François Etienne des Rosaies has long been a man in the shadows, occupying positions that never appear on the organizationalities. “Project manager” within the Nicolas Sarkozy team at the Elysée, between 2007 and 2010, he was not the subject of any appointment or end of functions. During this period, we only know him one official attribution to the “castle”, which concerns the equestrian and equine sector, for which its expertise is recognized.
But since the end of the Sarkozy quinquennium, justice has gradually discovered unknown sections of the Elysian activities of the ex-frame-frame. Already continued in the “Kazakhgate” case in March 2015, Etienne des Rosaies was indicted on May 12, 2022 for influence traffic and concealment of breach of trust in a completely different case, according to information of the world.
This time, there is no question of suspicion of international corruption and retrocommissions on the sidelines of an armament contract, but of intense lobbying operated since the Elysée for the benefit of Delubac – one of the Latest French family banks, whose head office is in Ardèche.
Justice suspects Mr. Etienne des Rosaies of having “multiplied between the months of July 2009 and May 2010 the interventions and requests” within the Presidency of the Republic and with various ministries “in order to obtain a favorable decision “for the bank within the framework of its relations with the banking regulatory authority. The dispute concerned the solvency ratio requested from the establishment in a context of economic and banking crisis. Very shortly after this episode, the senior official left the Elysée and obtained a seat at the Delubac supervisory board, where he received more than 500,000 euros in emoluments between 2010 and 2014.
His arrival within the bank and the generous remuneration from which he benefited – more important than in certain companies of the CAC 40 – did they reward the work accomplished by Jean -François Etienne des Rosaies as President of the Republic? It is in any case for this reason that the investigating judge indicted the prefect – after having done the same with Banque Delubac, in March 2022, and his manager, Serge Bialkiewicz, indicted for trafficking in Influence in January 2022.
The bank denies any elevator reference
Since the beginning of this judicial case, the management of Delubac has denied any illegal behavior and rejects the idea of a link between the remuneration of Mr. Etienne des Rosaies and the help he could have brought to the bank as part of its public functions. But then, how to justify the payment of 500,000 euros? “We wanted to reach the CAC 40 because we were above all a bank of SMEs and of intermediate companies, explained Serge Bialkiewicz to justice. We therefore hoped that he is introducing us into this environment.” But he recognizes that this n ‘did not work: the ex-prefect unfortunately brought nothing concrete, “admitted the banker in the face of a magistrate to say the least, who asked him” for what reason a bank, who knows better than anyone Price of the value of money, she started to pay more than 500,000 euros to a person who has produced anything, nor bring anything concrete to the bank “.
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