Available Issue of the layer DXVK 1.10.2 , providing the implementation of DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure), Direct3D 9, 10 and 11, which works through the call broadcasts in the API VULKAN. For use dxvk required the presence of drivers with support for API Vulkan 1.1, such as Mesa Radv 22.0, NVIDIA 510.47.03 Intel Anv 22.0 and AMDVLK.
DXVK can be used to launch 3D applications and games in Linux using Wine, acting as a more high-performance alternative to the Direct3D 9/10/11 implementations operating on top of Opengl.
main changes:
- For Direct3d 9, support is added not solid (non-Eamless, without processing the boundaries between samples) cubic textures , implemented through the use of vulkan broadcasting vk_ext_non_seamless_cube_map .
- Caching of shaders on the disk using vulkan drivers NVIDIA.
- Errors that led to incorrect conservation and use of a file with a state cache.
- Problems of assembly using GCC 12.1.
- Optimized the cleaning code in the implementation of D3D11 methods for disordered access to resources from several flows (UAV, Unordered Access View), which made it possible to increase the effectiveness of image compression in drivers.
- Optimized the performance of the compression of the SPIR-V shader code in memory.
- Problems in games: Beond Good and Evil, Day Z, Dead Space, Dirt Rally, Godfather, Limbo, Majesty 2, Myst V, OneChanbara Z2: Chaos, Planetary Annihilation: Titans, Plats. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, Return of Reckoning, Scrapland Remastered, Small Radios Big Televisions, Sonic Adventure 2, SpellForce Platinum Edition, Supreme Commander, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II и Star Wars: The Old Republic.
/Media reports.