The new Minister Delegate for Overseas plans to extend the system of the value for money in force in Reunion to other ultramarine territories.
After Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who had cited it as an example in his electoral promises, the Bouclier Quality Prix (BQP) Reunion has two new fervent supporters: the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and his Minister Delegate for Overseas, Jean-François Carenco. During a first trip to Reunion, Friday, July 8 and Saturday, July 9, the government tandem, announced that he wanted to extend to all the overseas departments and regions (DROM) this device. It was created in the overseas territories by law against the dear life of Victorin Lurel, in 2012, but it was in the island of the Indian Ocean that he knows the most successful model. For 2022, the BQP offers Reunion consumers 153 guaranteed products at a ceiling price of 348 euros, according to a “signed” moderation agreement “between the prefecture, representatives of local production, mass distribution and importers’ sectors” .
In an island where, according to INSEE, 37 % of the population, or 322,000 people, lives below the poverty line with inflation of 3.8 % in one year and consumer prices higher 7 % at 40 % compared to the metropolis, Gérald Darmanin and Jean-François Carenco were eagerly awaited on the theme of expensive life. After having exchanged with the members of the Observatory of Prices, Margins and Revenues (OPMR), which bring together elected officials and representatives of unions and associations giving an advisory opinion, the Minister Delegate declared that he wanted to locally “deepen, expand, enrich the famous basket “. In other words, integrate new products, including services such as telephone and internet subscriptions, and review the price.
At the same time, Jean-François Carenco wants to organize, in Paris, a “Oudinot [name of the street where the Ministry of Overseas is located against expensive life” for all of the ultramarine territories. The Minister Delegate aims to “look at production on the fringes, from the merchant to transport, importers”. Mr. Carenco will bring together “national and international companies that are on this value chain: supermarkets, maritime companies, suppliers” by asking them “a voluntary commitment”. His goal is to win an agreement at the end of September. “It would be wonderful”, launched Jean-François Carenco.
“necessary but not sufficient”
Gérald Darmanin said that territorial communities will be associated with these meetings because of their power of action on local taxation. For example with the special fuel consumption tax that falls into the funds of the regional councils in the overseas departments (DOM) and not in that of the State. Or with sea grant, specific taxation for DOMs for imports of goods which is redistributed to local authorities. The Minister of the Interior has revived the idea of ”differentiating the sea grant rate on certain products to fight against expensive life and inflation”. A measure that does not carry out local communities. In Reunion, the Regional Council and the Departmental Council recall that they have just jointly finance a device of 10 million euros to freeze the price of the gas bottle at 15 euros instead of 21.88 euros, price in force .
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