The Nuts, the RN and LR have managed to mobilize their deputies against the presidential coalition. The possibility of restoring controls for movements “at their destination or from” from the territory has notably been rejected.
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A first text, and already a camouflet for the government. One of the emblematic articles of the COVVI-19 bill to extend certain provisions for the fight against the epidemic was rejected at first reading in the National Assembly, on the night of Tuesday July 12 to Wednesday.
During this debate, the presidential coalition was put into a minority several times by the new popular, ecological and social union (Nuts), the Republicans (LR) and the National Rally (RN), allies of circumstances. The government, represented by its Minister of Health, François Braun, was able to count on the votes of LR deputies and the abstention of the socialists to have 1:45 a.m. by 221 votes against 187, which There remained of the bill-two articles, against four initially.
The state of health emergency ending on July 31, this text only presented “technical measures”, under the terms of the government. It allowed the executive to extend information and monitoring systems on the epidemic by six months and opened the possibility of restoring controls for travel “to destination or from” from hexagonal territory, Corsica or overseas communities. It is this second measure which was rejected by 219 votes against 195, emptying the bill of its substance.
At the announcement of the result by the vice-president (La France insoumise, LFI) of the National Assembly Caroline Fiat, the deputies of LFI and the RN have risen simultaneously to acclaim the results, surrounding elected officials of the majority, groggy, with defeat mine. “What happiness what is the rebellious France which is stored on our side, has managed to scare the RN deputy from Var Laure Lavalette. What a better proof of the lepenization of our minds! The battle is won!”, Providing the discomfort within the NUPS.
From the start of the examination of the text, the relative majority of Emmanuel Macron was put into difficulty by the full presence of the “rebellious” troops and the RN in the hemicycle, to the middle of the night. Fearing tight votes, the deputies of each camp who debated measures on purchasing power in commission had to interrupt their work on numerous occasions, tumbled into the hemicycle to take part in the ballots, claimed by the oppositions.
a problem of “method”
Without establishing a prior agreement, the Nuts, the RN and LR managed to beat Renaissance, the MoDem and Horizons, who have struggled to mobilize their elected officials. The messages and calls for the head of the presidential group, Aurore Bergé, will not be enough, in particular to compensate for the votes of the seventeen deputies, who are not allowed to vote. Shortly before midnight, Franck Riester, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, appeared in the hemicycle. An arrival synonymous with alert for macronist troops.
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