The prosecution believes that the civil parties, “particularly fragile”, were “under the influence” of the Swiss Islamologist. The latter evokes consented relationships.
Four and a half years after the opening of the investigation, it is a key step in one of the most media legal soap operas of the #MeToo wave in France. The Paris prosecutor’s office, requested, Tuesday, July 12, the referral to the Assizes of the Swiss Islamologist Tariq Ramadan for the rapes of four women, between 2009 and 2016. “Despite the repeated denials of the indictment, the judicial investigation Licited to bring together numerous dependent elements “, estimate two vice-procureures in their requisitions, which Le Monde consulted.
In the fall of 2017, Tariq Ramadan had been targeted by complaints from “Christelle” – an assumed first name – and Henda Ayari. They then denounced rapes suffered years earlier in Parisian hotels. In February 2018, the theologian was doubly indicted, for “rape” and “rape on vulnerable person”. In the process, he had been placed in pre-trial detention, and stayed there for ten months.
After first denying any extramarital relationship, he had turned, in the summer of 2018, with regard to the hundreds of explicit messages discovered over the investigation. From then on, he had argued with certainly violent but granted sex. In February 2020, the investigating judges added two indictments, for the rapes of two other women. Before a fifth, in October 2020, concerning rapes denounced by Mounia Rabbouj, who would have been committed in 2012 and 2013. A relationship granted, like all the others, according to Tariq Ramadan.
a dismissal on Five indictments
The prosecution requested, Tuesday, a dismissal for only one of these five indictments. Note that a woman “recognized before the instructor magistrate having been consenting to be slapped and insulted”, that “she did not oppose Tariq Ramadan, only asked for more sweetness”, and that the theologian ” stopped “when she told her about her refusal of a sexual practice, the magistrates believe that the offense” does not appear characterized “.
On the other hand, for the rest of the file – the testimonies of Henda Ayari, “Christelle”, Mounia Rabbouj and a fourth woman -, the Paris prosecutor’s office gives credit to the stories of the complainants and sweeps the main lines of the defense of M . Ramadan.
The latter “has, to achieve his ends, acted according to the same operating mode,” said the prosecution. First by choosing “particularly fragile women, with a chaotic life course”. Then, “once this relationship of confidence has been installed, the exchanges became more and more erotic, sexual, with a dominant-dominated relationship. (…) For those who tried to escape these exchanges, Tariq Ramadan threatened to end To their virtual relationship. “The” physical meeting “was” always at the initiative of Mr. Ramadan and fixed in a hotel “. “The facts of rape denounced by the civil parties, underline the magistrates, had systematically unrolled according to the same diagram, describing unprotected sex, tinged with contempt, humiliation of the partner and characterized by a lack of sharing and research of consent of the latter “, with, among other things,” sodomies imposed by surprise “.
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