The Prime Minister and her Minister of the Economy have each advanced their pawns in order to seduce patterns and economists gathered in Aix-en-Provence.
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For a weekend, the hexagonal political debate seemed to move from Paris to Aix-en-Provence (Bocuhes-du-Rhône). For two days, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and the former tenant of Matignon Edouard Philippe succeeded himself before all that France has large bosses, economists, and Politicians gathered under the overwhelming sun of Aix-en-Provence on the occasion of the 22 e edition of economic meetings. Crossing around a coffee, responding to each other by interposed screens, they seemed to advance their pawns in turn before the eyes of observers amused in this “Provencal Davos” devoted each year to the big challenges of the world.
“You could have the impression that he is Prime Minister,” said a boss after Bruno Le Maire’s intervention on Sunday, July 10. Lyrique, the new number two of the government had summoned “the spirit of toqueville” to make the lawyer of “individual rights” threatened in the great democracies like the United States, that of Pascal for “his thought of front, the Short term, and the thought from behind, the long term “, that of the” lights “which makes” France have something to say “on the international scene against” the great divergence “between Europe and the countries in the process of development. “A country always needs management, to know what is essential. For me, it is education and culture,” then detailed the tenant of Bercy. “There, he campaigns,” whispered a banker present in the room, spanking on his smartphone.
The day before, it was Edouard Philippe, absent in 2021, who had concentrated all eyes. Four years ago as Prime Minister, he sold the reform agenda of his government. This time he has discussed the difficulty of the task, mocking his own failed pension reform. “She was very intelligent, just very complicated,” he recognized. He adds: “Everyone does their therapy as they feel it, it makes me feel good!”
A message of optimism
It is nevertheless the performance of Elisabeth Borne which has moved the most people, in an amphitheater so full that the security services had to repress spectators. “People are not there for the speech, they want to see the non-verbal,” said a boss. At ease, smiling, falling the jacket as the dress code of the place where herself is a prerequisite, she enjoyed the applause of a room that seemed acquired. A week’s epilogue test for the Prime Minister, accused from his appointment, including by her own camp, of being too little political. She applied herself to break her image of “techno”, admitting before some journalists having “amused” by seeing the outraged reaction of certain opposition deputies during her general policy speech, Wednesday July 6.
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