Unions and employers’ representatives wish to benefit from greater latitude in the decision -making of this branch, healthy on the financial level.
Unions and employers want to play an increased role in the management of one of the oldest insurance systems: the one who compensates accidents at work and occupational diseases. Monday, July 11, employers and employees are launched a new cycle of discussions on this general social security scheme. Their goal is to achieve an agreement by the end of the year, at the latest, about the missions and governance of the system.
The care of professional risks by the community was born at the end of the 19th th century, through a law of April 1898: it is carried on the chief of business the obligation to repair any accident suffered by its staff, if the facts have a link with its activity. At the Liberation, these mechanisms were integrated into the “security” to constitute one of the four pillars of the building-with health insurance, the network of family allowances and life insurance.
At the moment, the branch of accidents at work and occupational diseases (AT-MP) is very healthy. According to the “Security” accounts committee, it recorded in 2021 a positive result of 1.2 billion euros, its revenues coming almost exclusively from contributions set by employers. The functioning of the system obeys somewhat singular rules: it is an integral part of health insurance, while associating an body, called the AT-MP commission, in which union representatives and employers sit. This one votes the budget of the branch, gives opinions on the contribution rates, etc.
“more joint management”
Today, the social partners would like to have more latitude on the decision -making of the branch. They had already trained this wish in the national interprofessional agreement concluded in December 2020 on occupational health. “We have trouble occupying the place that should be ours in the system,” says Catherine Pinchaut, CFDT national secretary. “We want to go to a more joint management,” adds Michel Chassang, from the Union of local companies (U2P).
At the heart of the discussions, there will in particular be the surpluses of the branch, of which “a large part is restored to the National Health Insurance Fund [CNAM], when they should be used primarily to the financing of Prevention actions “, underlines Eric Chevée, vice-president of the Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises. His remark alludes to the transfers of money made from the AT-MP branch to the CNAM: they compensate the expenses induced by pathologies or accidents attributable to work but which have not been recognized as such and which, at the same time , are covered by health insurance. These payments from the AT-MP branch are far from harmless: 1 billion euros per year during the period 2015-2021, according to a report by an expert commission. These fund movements take place under conditions and under criteria which are “not clear enough”, believes Jérôme Vivenza, in charge of the file for the CGT.
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