presented the release of a lightweight musical player Audacious 4.2 , at a time from the Beep Media Player (BMP) project, which is the outskirts of the classic player XMMS. The release is supplied with two user interfaces: based on GTK and QT. Assemblies prepared for various distributions of Linux and for Windows.
The main innovations of Audacious 4.2:
- Added a built-in dark design topic based on the qt style fusion .
- Partial support for streaming sound based on OGG containers and the sound codec FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec).
- When exporting a playback list, a substitution of the file name of the previously imported playback list is ensured.
- Automatic installation of the heading of the imported playback list selected on the basis of the file name.
- In the Winamp interface, operating on the QT base, dialogs are added to search for files and switch to the desired composition (Jump to Song).
- Added support for formatting parameters to cut the header line.

/Media reports.