In an interview with “JDD”, the boss of the platform, which had nearly 7 million subscribers in France in 2020, recalls the future launch of a cheaper global offer with advertising.
Le Monde with AFP
The Netflix viewing platform had not communicated on the number of its subscribers in France for two years. in an interview with the Sunday of July 9 , the co-PDG of the American streaming giant, Ted Sarandos, reveals that more than ten million households in France are now subscribed to its service, against 6.7 million in 2020, an increase of almost 50 %.
“A home representing five accounts, the number [users] is therefore even higher,” he said. “We have 222 million subscribers worldwide,” said the leader of the American giant, who lost it for the first time this year after a long period of uninterrupted growth.
The manager recalled that the firm worked on the “global” launch of a new cheaper offer with advertising, whose “date is not yet stopped”, and on a “new billing system” for the Sharing passwords.
Asked about the reasons for his presence on Monday, July 11, at the “Choose France” summit, established by Emmanuel Macron, Ted Sarandos underlines the status of “great exporter of French culture” of Netflix, illustrated by the “planetary success” of the Lupine series or the film without respite, with Franck Gastambide.
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In addition to the investment this year of 200 million euros in French creation, “we are launching an incubator who will work together experienced screenwriters and the future, under the leadership of the Hollywood showrunner Neal Baer (Emergencies and New York Judicial Police), “he added, evoking a” thirty apprentices in France “on homemade productions in 2021.
Despite the signing of an agreement in January on the chronology of the media, which allows Netflix to broadcast films fifteen months after their release in theaters, against thirty-six months earlier, his boss always judges this “model not sustainable “, preferring him a period of” a few weeks “.