The SNPNC-FO union calls for wage increases and denounces the working conditions of the crews of the Low Cost company, a subsidiary of Air France-KLM. The notice intervenes in a tense context in Parisian airports.
Le Monde with reuters
The SNPNC-FO Navigating Staff, which represents the hostesses and stewards of the airline Transavia France, a subsidiary of Air France-KLM, calls for a strike from Wednesday July 13 to Sunday.
In a press release released on Sunday July 10, the union claims wage increases and denounces the working conditions of the crews of the low cost company
This call for strike intervenes in a particularly tense context in air transport at the start of the summer holidays. Friday, July 8, employees of Parisian airports voted to lift their strike notice after obtaining employee revaluations, in extremis before the start of the big departures on vacation.
A first weekend -End saved
Gathered in general assembly in Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, these employees have ratified a agreement providing for a general increase of 3 % for all employees of the ADP group, manager of airport facilities, noted a journalist from the agency France-press. To these 3 % increase is added a revaluation of the salary grids and a refresher of the remuneration of some 1,800 employees whose treatments are lower than the reference level of 2019, according to the details communicated by the CGT.
In 2021, ADP employees, a company controlled by the State, had agreed to reduce their wages to help the company get through the COVVI-19 crisis. The group also led a voluntary departure plan and committed to the wages to regain their level before the crisis as soon as the effects of the traffic have dissipated.
The end of the conflict has made it possible to avoid disturbances in airports in the Paris region, which sees tens of thousands of travelers flow this first weekend of major summer departures. The prospect of cancellations of flights had already moved away on Thursday with the signing of a first agreement between the ADP group and the company’s firefighters who also demanded a revaluation. The action of the fire soldiers, started on June 30, resulted in last week by the preventive abolition of hundreds of flights at the start or arrival of Roissy, first French airport.