Considered as a “normal” session of the baccalaureate after two years disturbed by the COVID-19, the 2022 session is also the first complete session of the new “BAC BLANQUER”. The results are down 2.8 points.
Has the national education managed to stem the tidal wave? After admitting 95.7 % of candidates for the baccalaureate in 2020 and 93.9 % in 2021 – two absolute records -, the final results for 2022, after the catch -up session, are down 2.8 points , with 91.1 % admitted. This overall result mask of strong variations according to the series: 96.1 % of candidates are received in the general process, 90.6 % in the process of technological and 82.3 % in professional way, the latter accusing the biggest drop – of 4, 5 points -, compared to 2021.
A first element explaining the decline in the results in relation to the two previous sessions would come from the fact that the candidates of 2022 are the first of the COVID period to have passed the “whole” bac. The French tests were maintained in 2021 and all the terminal events took place this year – even if the specialties were shifted in early May.
no instructions for increased notes
“The students were in fact confronted with baccalaureate events while all of their schooling in high school has been disrupted, analyzes Catherine Nave-Bekhti, of the Sgen-Cfdt. They knew the first confinement in Second, then the half-jauges and the repeated absences of teachers or students in first, and finally the Omicron wave this year. And despite this, all the tests took place. “For the Sgen-CFDT, the” delay “Accumulated by high school students has also been able to play on preparing for tests: Terminal teachers may have favored learning, knowledge, to the detriment of” BAC “exercises.
Quid, in this case, of the famous “benevolence” of Time of COVID-19? “There is still a probity of the correctors, which is essential and which exists,” recalls Catherine Nave-Bekhti. “Colleagues can take into account the context by sanctioning the inaccuracies less severely. But they never go so far as to say that it is successful when it is missed.” The Ministry of Education itself, caught up in Corrector alerts on cases of massive harmonization of specialty copies, said on several occasions that no increase in increase in the increase. “These harmonizations did take place, and in a substantial manner in certain academies,” insists Sophie Venetay, from SNES-FSU. But it is clear that they did not have a massive effect on the results.
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