Some of them have not passed on the increase in the minimum wage, successively increased in November 2021, in January and May. A new increase should come into force by October 1.
For the third time, the minimum wage will be upgraded this year. Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labor, confirmed it, Thursday, July 7, during a meeting with the social partners. The date of entry into force and the exact amount of the increase have not yet been stopped, but it should, unless surprised, take effect, at the latest, the 1 e e October. The unions want the State to be more demanding with regard to professional branches which are slow to repercussions in collective conventions the progression of the minimum wage.
This new increase in the minimum wage had been mentioned by INSEE in its conjuncture note on June 24. It is the consequence of the application of provisions aimed at ensuring that minimum remuneration is evolving at least as fast as inflation. The previous increase – 2.65 % – dates back to May 1. By adding those which intervened on 1 er November 2021 and the 1 er January, the minimum wage will have grown by 5.9 %, reaching a little more than 1,302 euros net per month.
attributable to the runaway prices, these successive readjustments put under pressure the professional branches. Of the 171 which are followed by the Ministry of Labor, nearly two thirds (112) had, at 1 er July, a salary grid comprising at least one coefficient lower than the minimum wage. These so-called “non-compliance” situations are linked to the difficulties that employers and unions encounter to put themselves around a table and reach a compromise, at the sectoral level. In some cases, we even note “structural blockages”, but the Ministry of Labor affirms that they are “in clear decline” compared to the end of 2021. Among the branches where social dialogue turns out to be unsuccessful or sluggish, it There is that of prevention-security: its salary grid contains three levels below the minimum wage, the last agreement dating back to the end of September 2021, according to the Directorate General of Labor.
Thursday, Mr. Dussopt held a speech full of benevolence and firmness with regard to the social partners. He praised the “progress” made in the branches that have ceased to be late on the minimum wage, while displaying his determination to use “all the levers” available to eliminate cases of “non-compliance”. An allusion, in particular, to an article of the bill for the protection of purchasing power, presented – on the same day – in the Council of Ministers: it will allow the administration to merge a “bad student” branch with another branch .
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