EDF: Jean-Bernard Lévy’s succession process is engaged

The Energy CEO will be able to leave the company well before the deadline of March 18, 2023.


You had to expect it. After the announcement, Wednesday, July 6, of a nationalization of EDF, in which the State today holds 85 % of the capital, the process of succession of the CEO, Jean-Bernard Lévy, is engaged. “While major sites will be launched by the company in the coming months, the State and Jean-Bernard Lévy have agreed to launch the latter’s succession process now at the head of EDF,” said Announced Bercy in a press release.

m. Lévy, whose mandate was to end, no later than March 18, 2023, given the age limit set by the statutes of the company, could finally leave the company before this deadline. “In agreement with Jean-Bernard Lévy, the new Chairman and CEO of EDF may be appointed before this deadline, so that the new manager is quickly able to implement the strategic and industrial projects announced by the President of the Republic In Belfort on February 10, 2022, in particular the launch of the construction program for six EPR 2 nuclear reactors and EDF’s contribution to the accelerated development of renewable energies “, continues Bercy in a press release.

“It will also be the priority, in the shorter term, to ensure the restart of the nuclear reactors arrested for maintenance”. In the meantime, the board of directors has renewed its confidence in Jean-Bernard Lévy, who will continue to perform his functions until the appointment of his successor.

/Media reports.