Since the 1990s, consultants have gradually extended their canvas in establishments, promoting in particular the policy of reducing the number of beds.
It is a tweet posted by a director of the Capgemini consulting firm, in July 2019, a few months before the Country changed in the health crisis. The consultant says he is “proud” to have accompanied “successfully” the hospital of Nancy and quotes, in support, an article announcing that “the deletion of 179 beds and nearly 600 full -time equivalents in the Effective “at the Nancy CHU has just been approved by the public authorities.
Professor Stéphane Velut, neurosurgeon of the CHU de Tours, archived the message. Firstly because this plan, presented as remarkable in the summer of 2019, cost its post, in the spring of 2020, to the director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Grand-Est. The latter had estimated, in full fight against the COVID-19, that there was “no reason” to interrupt the deletions of posts and beds at the Nancy hospital. A political misstep that the government has sanctioned. Professor Velut also followed this story closely, because, despite the acute crisis which affects the care system, an analogous cost reduction program Guette the CHU where he exercises.
“It is expected that the Tours hospital, which has several sites, is restructured and renovated. But the financing of this project, as it was presented to us in 2017, was subject to the abolition of 250 beds , explains the neurosurgeon. To make us swallow this pill, we were entitled to seminars organized by Capgemini. “
The doctor did not even know that this trades – the consultants – existed. They explained to us that the hospital of tomorrow would be an “airport” – we come back, we operate, we go out – used expressions like “Capacitarian resizing” without telling us at the time that it would mean almost 25 % less beds “.
Young executives then explain to the heads of service that they can improve their practice, by comparing the average length of stay of patients at the CHU de Tours to that of the Grenoble hospital, much lower. “However, the activities are not comparable, Grenoble does more trauma of the spine, is annoyed the neurosurgeon. We witness a brainwashing, so that after a few months, during a meeting of Practitioners, we have decided to oust Capgemini. “Since the start of the COVVI-19 epidemic, the new hospital and the savings plan have not been at the agenda, but” they will come back, warns the doctor . Simply, I understand that they will delete less beds than initially planned “.
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