She finds this position which she already held from July 2020 to May 2022 alongside Jean-Michel Blanquer, which she joined in her defense of strict secularism. Its portfolio now also includes the universal national service.
Le Monde with AFP
Sarah El Haïry returns to known ground. The 33-year-old deputy was appointed Secretary of State for Youth on Monday, July 4, a position she already held from July 2020 to May alongside Jean-Michel Blanquer. Its portfolio now also includes the universal national service (SNU) and is attached attached to both the Ministry of National Education and that of the armies.
Member of the Democrat Movement since 2014 after a first commitment to the Union for a popular movement (UMP), Sarah El Haïry has been the spokesperson for François Bayrou’s party since 2018. Re-elected in June for a second term of Member of the 5 e district of Loire-Atlantique, faced with a candidate presented by rebellious France, she is also elected from opposition to the municipal council of Nantes.
In the government, it was notably responsible for the development of the SNU, a system still experimental but which could ultimately become compulsory. “Very happy to find youth within the government! Being with all young people, everywhere in our territories. With the ambition to generalize the SNU!”, Tweeted The new Secretary of State after his appointment.
Defense of a secularism known as “combat”
She embodies, like Marlène Schiappa -also reinstated in the government -, a line on secularism close to that of republican spring, a trend whose place had been attenuated in the first government bounded with the eviction of Jean -Michel Blanquer and the appointment of Pap Ndiaye, who does not share this conception of secularism.
As Secretary of State to the former Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, M Me El Haïry had frequently joined his positions against “wokism” and defended A so-called “combat” secularism.
In October 2020, the weekly La Vie had thus reported on its stormy exchanges with 130 young people gathered in Poitiers, on the initiative of social centers, to speak “religion in society”. According to life, M El Haïry had dryly cropped the young people who believed that they could not freely speak of their religious faith. The episode had turned to controversy when the government had ordered an administrative investigation into the federation of French social centers, organizer of the meeting.