Available Oracle Linux 9 and UNBREAKABLE ENTERPRISE KERNEL 7 core

Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 (UEK R7), positioned for use by Oracle Linux as an alternative to a nucleus with a nucleus from Red Hat Enterprise Linuxe . The Oracle Linux 9 distribution is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 package database and is fully compatible with it.

for loading without restrictions werealsopreparedforloading.

InadditiontothepacketwiththenucleusfromtheRHEL(basedonthe5.14nucleus),OracleLinuxoffersitsownUnbreakableEnterpriseKernel7core,basedontheLinux5.15coreandoptimizedforworkingwithindustrialsoftwareandOracleequipment.Theinitialtextsofthenuclei,includingthebreakdownintoseparatepatches,areavailableinthepublic git-reacle

oracle. The UNBREAKABLE ENTERPRISE KERNEL is installed by default, positioned as an alternative to the RHEL core of the core and provides a number of advanced capabilities such as DTRACE integration and improved BTRFS support. In addition to an additional core in

/Media reports.