The former socialist minister, withdrawn from political life, wants to defend asylum and isolated minors.
Saturday July 2, the Board of Directors of France Terre d’Asile (FTA) was to elect at its presidency Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. The former Socialist Minister of National Education and Minister of Women’s Rights under François Hollande, also former elected Lyon, joins the association for a mandate of three years.
She takes over from Thierry Le Roy, from the Council of State, who had exercised these functions for six years. “For my succession, we have done a job of identifying senior retirement officials, people who have a reflection on asylum or international or even people who have had political responsibilities,” he reports .
The choice therefore fell on M me Vallaud-Belkacem, which has distanced itself from political life after its failure in the 2017 legislative elections and a succinct comeback during the regional elections From 2021, where her list was beaten in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
“A volunteer commitment”
After a visit to the Ipsos survey company, she has been director of France since March 2020 of the NGO to advocate one, which fights “against extreme poverty and avoidable diseases”. A retraining that echoes the arrival of Benoît Hamon, also former minister under François Hollande and former presidential candidate, to the general management of the Singa refugee assistance NGO, in September 2021. In 2018, C ‘is the former environmental minister Cécile Duflot who had joined the general management of the NGO to fight against poverty Oxfam.
Besides his professional activity at One, M Me Vallaud-Belkacem chairs for four years the strategic council of the Tent Foundation, a network of companies in favor of the employment of refugees. She is also a collection director at Fayard.
“One remains my main activity, explains the interested party. The chairmanship of the Board of Directors of France Terre d’Asile is a voluntary commitment, which aims to ensure strategic reflection.” The operational management of the association is assumed by Delphine Rouilleault.
“We wondered if the political past of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem was embarrassing, because France Terre d’Asile is an operator of the State, confides Mr. Le Roy, himself a former member of ministerial socialist cabinets and Elected local in Tarn-et-Garonne. But she took a step aside to engage in humanitarian aid, and then she was minister, so she has the vision of a public policy. “The new president puts In front of its “close knowledge of the functioning of the State and local communities”, as well as its “capacity to advocate on arid subjects”.
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