The accused was tried for seventeen rapes, twelve attempts at rape and twenty-seven assaults or attempted sexual assault, committed between 1988 and 2018 near his home, around the Sambre, river crossing the Franco border -Belge.
Le Monde with AFP
Judged for fifty-six sexual assaults, Dino Scala, known as the “rapist of the Sambre”, was condemned on Friday 1 This sentence is in accordance with that required on Thursday by the prosecution. The accused, 61, was tried for seventeen rapes, twelve attempted rape and twenty-seven assaults or attempts at sexual assault, committed between 1988 and 2018 near his home, around the Sambre, river crossing the border Franco-Belgian. “I am going to apologize to the victims, Mr. President,” he said in a voice revealing little emotion, at the beginning of the morning, his last words before the court withdraws to deliberate. one of the two lawyers general, Antoine Berthelot, pointed out the image of the well -inserted worker, married, father, coach of a football club “extreme danger” of the accused , discerning in his journey “the unthinkable banality of evil”.
The three weeks of trial did not make it possible to fully lift the mystery around his personality, characterized according to a psychiatrist expert by the “abyss which separates the social side and the hidden side”.