With the cancellation of the concerts of the Rolling Stones or Metallica, representations of “Bluebeard” or “Jean-Baptiste, Madeleine, Armande and the others …” In particular, professionals in the sector fear the consequences on their cash flow.
“The COVVI-19 will not spoil the summer because we are vaccinated,” said the president of the scientific council, Jean-François DELFRAISSY, Thursday, June 30 on RTL. The spectacle professionals will undoubtedly be of this opinion. While the hundred and twenty thousand new daily cases of COVID-19 mark the arrival of a seventh wave, for a few days, concert halls and theaters cancel or postpone some of their programming. These kinds of measures had not taken place since January.
The heady notes of satisfaction did not vibrate the Johan Cruyff Arena, in Amsterdam, Monday June 13. The Rolling Stones, then in full European tour for their sixty years of career, had to cancel the concert after Mick Jagger, 78, was diagnosed positive. In a video published on Twitter, the singer apologized to his fans and promised to agree on a date “as quickly as possible”. The group could not occur either, in Bern in Switzerland, this time without postponement.
It was then the turn of the Heavy Metallica group to announce the cancellation of its concert at the Out in the Green festival, Wednesday, June 29, in Frauenfeld in Switzerland, after one of its members was tested positive . “We intended to reprogram a show in Switzerland as soon as possible, but (…) It has appeared clearly that nothing will be possible for the rest of the year or for next year,” said Californian training on social networks. Ditto for the British Wet Leg, who were to perform, Thursday, June 30, at the Eurockéennes de Belfort, finally canceled for two days due to strong bad weather.
The concern rises in the sector. “Several factors have led to successive cancellations at festivals this summer: logistical problems, weather conditions and positive tested artists, notes Olivier Darbois, President of Prodiss, the National Musical Show and Varieties. The problem, C ‘ is that it is practically impossible to postpone artists’ services at festivals which are organized over only three days. The restart of the sector promises to be very complicated. “With regard to concerts, the union estimates that 80 % of Shows canceled in 2021-2022 are postponed in 2023. “The season is itself well filled, this can create many traffic jams”, estimates Olivier Darbois.
The theaters not spared
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