After the six months of development presented Stable release of the protocol, the mechanism of inter-processing interaction and Libraries wayland 1.21 . Branch 1.21 is back at the API and ABI level with releases 1.x and contains mainly error corrections and minor protocol updates. A few days ago, formed corrective updating the composite server weston 10.0.1 , which is developing as part of a separate development cycle. Weston provides code and working examples for using Wayland in desktop-crops and built-in solutions.
The main changes in the protocol:
- on the software interface Wl_POINTER Support for the event Wl_POINTER.AXIS_VAVALUE120 for the High On manipulators, a mouse with a high -resolution scroll wheel.
- The new functions are added to the server wl_signal_emit_mutable (analogue Wl_Signal_emit, which supports the correct work in the situation in the situation One signal handler removes another handler) and wl_global_get_version (allows you to find out the overall version of the API). Li>
- Development translated to the Gitlab platform using the
- cleaning and processing structures and functions associated with setting the cursor.
- Protocol Wl_shell is outlined as optional for implementation in composite servers and declared outdated. To create user shells, it is recommended to use the protocol xdg_shell , which provides an interface for interacting surfaces as with windows, which allows you to move the surfaces along the screen, turn, unfold, change size, etc.
- The requirements for the assembly system are increased; the assembly is now necessary for Meson tools at least 0.56. During compilation, the flag “c_std = c99” is included.
Changes in applications, surroundings of the desktop and distributions associated with Wayland:
- In KDE, in 2022, they plan to bring the Plasma desktop based on the Wayland protocol to a state suitable for everyday use of a significant share of users. Significantly improved Wayland support in KDE Plasma 5.24 and 5.25 issues, including adding color depth more than 8-bit per channel, the DRM LEASING mode for virtual reality helmets is implemented, and supporting the creation of screenshots and turning all windows.
/Media reports.