Despite the socking cases of contamination, the executive is limited to issuing recommendations and carefully avoids announcing binding measures.
Elisabeth Borne is a methodical woman. Like most orderly people, the Prime Minister takes problems one after the other. After her harsh negotiations with the opposition parliamentary groups to try to tear off an impossible majority, the tenant of Matignon had to tackle the COVID-19, a nightmare of her predecessor in Matignon, Jean Castex. After a few months of lull, the seventh wave of the virus swept in France. Scientific experts are alarmed by the most 120,000 new daily cases, linked to the spread of BA.4 and BA.5 variants, and are worried about a possible saturation of hospital services during the summer.
But Elisabeth Borne is also a woman in composure. And does not seem to panic the figures that soar: + 67 % for cases of contamination in seven days, and, on June 26, + 26.3 % for hospitalizations and + 7.8 % for admissions in Critical care, according to public health data France. For the time being, the Executive’s message comes down in a call to everyone’s responsibility, no question of coercion.
After two years punctuated by the flows and reflux of the disease, the government judges that the French have learned to cohabit with the virus and know its dangers. It is therefore, for the time being, there is no question of imposing the return of the mask in public transport, but only to recommend it. Ditto for the older vaccination recall. “I will not go as far as the obligation, but I ask the French to put the mask in transport, (…) It is almost a civic duty to protect themselves and protect others,” said, On RTL Monday, June 28 The Minister of Health , Brigitte Bourguignon, called upon to leave office following her defeat in the legislative elections. The sanitary pass? Forgot. As for confinements, fire covers, or store closures, the measures now seem to be highlighted. Nothing justifies the implementation of coercive measures, we know in Matignon.
a bill with two articles
According to Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the scientific council, the attitude of the government is not casual. If the epidemic peak is expected at the end of July or early August, “it should not spoil the summer,” he thinks. Even if the hospital is under high tension, “I think we will hold”, he assured on RTL Thursday June 30 , stressing that a large part of the population was now vaccinated.
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