Ecological bonus maintained until end of year for electric and hybrid vehicles

The device, which was to end on July 1, provides a bonus of 6,000 euros for the purchase of an electric car, and 1,000 euros for a hybrid vehicle.

Le Monde with AFP

The government announced, Wednesday, June 29, the maintenance until the end of the year of the bonus system for purchase for electric and hybrid vehicles. “We will maintain the bonus of 6,000 euros on the purchase of electric vehicles. It had to stop at 1 er July, it will be maintained until the end of 2022″, a Affected the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on the CNews channel.

For rechargeable hybrid vehicles, the Minister of Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, said in a tweet that the ecological bonus would be maintained at “1,000 euros” from the 1 July, instead of disappearing as initially planned, while conversion bonuses would go “up to 5,000 euros”.

For a car fleet with less polluting cars, we extend the ecological bonus of € 6000 beyond…

– Agnesrunacher (@Agnès Pannier-runacher 🇫🇷🇪🇺)

“We have a large ambition, which is to accelerate the transition from the thermal vehicle to the electric vehicle. We must accompany our compatriots [because] many of them cannot afford an electric vehicle”, a explained the mayor.

The bonus intended to encourage sales of new vehicles emitting less than 20 grams of co 2 per kilometer traveled (electric vehicles), had climbed up to 7,000 euros in the aftermath of the first confinement, In March 2020, before being set at 6,000 euros, then to be extended until June 30.

A market share

A decree precisely setting the conditions for the allocation of aid beyond 1 er July is in preparation, the Ministry of the Economy said on Tuesday evening. The last decree of its kind dates from April 26, 2022, and had opened the ecological bonus with small electric tourist road trains.

Until June 30, aid is also accessible to legal persons (companies), at a lower level: 4,000 euros for a car of less than 45,000 euros emitting less than 20 grams of co 2 per kilometer. The decree must specify whether the bonus is also extended for companies.

During the previous five-year term, some 934,000 conversion bonuses were distributed, as well as 656,000 ecological bonuses, detailed Agnès Pannier-Runacher on Twitter.

In 2021, the market share of hybrid vehicles rose to 25.8 % (+ 11 points) in France, and that of electric vehicles at 9.8 % (+ 3.1 points), while vehicles Diesel saw their share drop by 9.5 points compared to the previous year, to 21.1 %.

/Media reports.