After the decision made Friday, June 24 by the US Supreme Court to return to federal right to abortion, the presidential coalition and the left could converge on a text which will require the support of the executive.
What will remain after the announcements? In France, the debate on the right to the voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) resurfaced while Friday, June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States returned to the historic ROE VS Wade judgment, by authorizing the States to Determine their policy in the area of abortion. They are already more than a dozen to have banned practice on their territory. The French elected officials, on the left and on the right, moved from this decline in matters of freedoms. “A slap” for the deputy La République en Marche (LRM) of Essonne, Marie-Pierre Rixain, also president of the Delegation of Women’s Rights in the National Assembly. “We know that women’s rights are totems for far-right movements but also populists and reactionaries as soon as they come to power,” she recalls.
A few hours after the announcement of the American judges, the deputy and president of the LRM group, Aurore Bergé, tabled a constitutional bill to include in the fundamental law, in article 66-2, that “no one cannot be deprived of the right to voluntary pregnancy interruption “. A formulation partly taken up at Another socialist bill brought in 2019 by ex-deputy Luc Carvounas.
In April 2018, the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, had swept the idea of enrolling the right to abortion in the Constitution to “avoid legislative inflation at all costs, a fortiori in constitutional matters” during the examination of a communist bill in the Senate. A few months later, in July, the president of the Law Commission, Yaël Braun-Pivet, had declared, during a session devoted to the constitutional bill, that there was “no need to brandish fears founded On the situation of these rights in other countries to affirm that they would be threatened in ours “in response to amendments of the group La France Insoumise (LFI) on this subject.
a text of the NUPS?
Today, macronist deputies, showing much more going to societal debates than the Head of State, could manage to impose their will with the support of the left and certain figures of the right, As during the adoption of the law on the extension of the deadline for abortion of twelve to fourteen weeks promulgated on March 3, against the advice of Mr. Macron. The approach is today supported by two members of the government and not the least, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who assured support “with force this bill”, and the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupont-Moretti. “Graving in the marble of our constitution this fundamental right is more necessary than ever in these obscure times,” he tweeted on Saturday.
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