Inequalities, fundamental knowledge, revaluation … PAP NDIAYE addresses its roadmap to teachers

The Minister of National Education sent an email on Monday, in which he chosen five priorities to the teaching staff and attempts to obtain the support of the profession.


Pap Ndiaye continues the explanation of text of the policy he wants to conduct. After expressing himself in Le Monde and Le Parisien last weekend, he decided to send a message to all teachers, Monday, June 27 in the evening. A strong signal to reconnect with direct contact with them, while, for many, the relationship between the profession and the institution has reached a breakdown under Jean-Michel Blanquer. A few hours after its publication, its interview with the Parisian aroused numerous reactions on the social networks of teachers on the sensitive subjects of revaluation and replacements. The Minister of National Education had to regain control quickly, it is said in educational circles.

If he does not make major announcements, Mr. Ndiaye immediately places himself in a link of connivance with the educational community: “I am happy to write to you directly, with the burden of a ministry which has Structured not only my career but shaped my life. I do it as the university professor that I am, son of a second degree professor, “he writes. The Minister salutes “involvement” and “skills” of teachers and brings them his “consideration” and “esteem”.

The new tenant on rue de Grenelle, who knows he is expected on the issues of secularism and living together, and has made the fight against the ideas of the National Rally a political marker, positions himself on the ground of values. “We are going through a period of suspicion in the common good of our Republic. Your word, which takes into account the vulnerabilities of youth while preparing each student for their future life, can stop the folds that are apparently consoling, devastating in reality” , he insists.

“Student well-being”

“It is a communication in the form of contact, with a strong accent placed on consideration for staff. A welcome initiative in the state of tension of the profession,” said Stéphane Crochet, of the SE-UNSA . For Sophie Venetitay, from SNES-FSU, Pap Ndiaye thus wants to “repair the damaged relationship with staff with words, but the latter cannot be enough”, recalling the strong expectations of the teaching community in wage matters in particular.

The Minister is erecting five priorities in this letter to the teachers. The fight against social inequalities is the first of them. “It is my responsibility to take charge of the drama of the injustice that our school system feeds by not allowing enough to the poorest to hope ‘Shadow to our actions. “He wants to” strengthen what already exists “and” innovate when necessary “, without referring to the experimentation” Schools of the future “in Marseille, whose generalization must allow more Autonomy in educational establishments.

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/Media reports.