Job seekers have to face more muscular sanctions

The annual report of the national mediator of Pôle Emploi, Jean-Louis Walter, notes the aggravation of repressive measures.


The job seekers who lack their obligations are the subject of more muscular sanctions. This is one of the protruding observations of the annual report presented Tuesday, June 28 by Jean-Louis Walter, the national mediator of Pôle Emploi responsible for dealing with disputes between the public operator and users. This trend is linked, according to him, to one of the provisions of the unemployment insurance reform, adopted during the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron.

People registered with Pôle Emploi have rights – for example being supported by an advisor – but also homework – actively search for a position, present themselves at the appointments, update their file, etc. Those who do not hold their commitments are exposed to repressive measures, which can result in a radiation from the matching lists, if necessary, of a suppression of the allowance, for more or less long periods.

In the law of September 2018 “for the freedom to choose his professional future”, the government of Edouard Philippe introduced new rules, which “seemed to respond to [the] concern” to establish a “gradation of Sanctions “, writes Mr. Walter. But this text, in reality, “stiffened practices, enclosing them in an even more severe scale and providing new legitimacy to excessive postures”. Without delivering figures, the mediator observes “a frequent use of radiation of six months and especially [the final abolition of replacement income”, that is to say the compensation paid by the system. Some decisions, he adds, seem “truly disproportionate, both in their gravity and in their consequences”, the individuals concerned being deprived of service and support.

injunctions of the public authorities

Such procedures had been suspended at the start of the health crisis, as well as checks on employment research carried out by the unemployed. Then they resumed their course. In November 2021, Mr. Macron announced a “strengthening of controls”, as the report recalls. This is why the mediator explains that the sanctions do not only result from a “vision of things” carried by those who pronounce them: they arise from the application of texts and injunctions emanating from the public authorities.

Important precision: requests attributable to radiation represent “barely 3 %” of the requests addressed to Mr. Walter and his network of regional mediators. If the sanctions attract attention, it is therefore more because of their “inadequacy” than “their frequency”. Consequently, it is advisable to take into account the specific situation of the person “, by based” on facts and not on the mechanical application of a scale “.

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/Media reports.