La Poste will launch a digital stamp

The public group will offer, from 2023, to freed a letter from its smartphone, thanks to a code purchased on the La Poste application, to be transcribed in place of the stamp.


It is an innovation at the crossroads of two worlds that La Poste is preparing to launch: a “digital stamp”, for the French always eager to send letters and postcards, and ready to free them in using their smartphone. The public group announced on Tuesday, June 28, this new service, which will be available in early 2023. “It gives everyone the possibility, whatever the place or the schedule”, to post a letter “without having a stamp Under hand, thanks to a unique eight -digit code purchased on the La Poste app, in three clicks, “explains the operator. The customer must copy this code on the envelope, at the location provided for the stamp.

“It is a real industrial and technological feat, which no other post in the world has managed to launch”, welcomed the group, which relied on its proba subsidiary, bought in 2016 , specialized in data and artificial intelligence, to create algorithms from cryptography. This model makes it possible to “generate several million secure codes with only eight characters”, codes “sufficiently different from each other to both tolerate low reading errors and to reduce the risk of fraud as much as possible,” promises La Poste.

This new online stamp must however find its audience, between the 13 million French people far from digital and those, also numerous, refractory to postal mail.

a large investment plan

This initiative is part of a large investment plan of 800 million euros in favor of the postal network over the next five years, which will be devoted both to digital and modernization of post offices. At the end of 2027, they should all have been renovated.

Over the years, this network has significantly decreased, the number of offices having increased from almost 10,000 in 2012 to just over 7,000 today. A policy that La Poste justifies in particular by a sharp drop in attendance (it identified, in 2021, an average of 900,000 visitors per day, against almost 2 million ten years ago).

At the same time, to maintain a basic service on the territory, the group continues to open the postal relays installed at merchants. Today there are more than 3,000, and La Poste wishes to densify this network. Discussions are in particular in progress with a dozen traditional brands, including E.Leclerc and Carrefour.

The operator also wants to take advantage of the boom in e-commerce and accelerate the deployment of its Pickup instructions, which allow customers to withdraw or deposit packages in its post offices, at the station or in the Large distribution brands. Its objective is to go from 800 instructions, today, to 2,000, in 2023. Other weight players invest this market: Amazon and its lockers, and the platform for the sale of second-hand vinted products, which will offer its Customers in Ile -de -France instructions installed in around twenty supermarkets Franprix (Casino group) and Carrefour, from the end of June.

/Media reports.