Video Monday, June 27, the Kèmentchouk shopping center, in the center of Ukraine, was targeted by a Russian strike. The next day, in the hospital, victims tell the ordeal they have experienced.
by (with reuters)
Ludmyla Mykhailelets is lying on her hospital bed, next to her companion, Mykola. Both were in the Kèmentchouk shopping center on Monday, June 27, when a Russian missile fell on the building. These two survivors tell the progress of this deadly attack.
“I had the feeling of moving, my head the first,” explains Ludmyla, whose face was injured by the bursts of shells and the debris that collapsed on her. “I didn’t understand anything,” said the resident of Kreterchouk, a city hitherto spared by the fighting. She granted the extent of the attack until she managed to open her eyes and she discovered her body “covered with rubble”.
Alongside her husband, injured in the head and leg, she remembers a young man who helped them get out of the enclosure in flames, to take shelter. She advises the Ukrainians who left the country to stay where they are, “instead”.