I saw light of Code 6.5, a distribution for deploying Libreoffice Online

Collabobo Published The production of the platform code 6.5 (Collabobo Development Edition), which offers a specialized distribution for fast Libreoffice Online unfolding and organizing joint remote work with an office package via Web to achieve functionality similar to Google Docs and Office 365. Distribution available in the form of packets for popular Linux distributions. The achievements used in the product are placed in public repositories libreoffice , LOOLWSD (Web Services Daemon) and loleaflet ( Web client). The achievements proposed in the Code 6.5 versions will be part of the standard Libreoffice.

CODE includes all the components necessary for the Libreoffice Online server and provides the possibility of rapid launch and familiarization with the current development state of the Libreoffice for Web. Through the Web browser, work with documents, electric tables and presentations is supported, including the possibility of joint work of several users who can simultaneously make changes, leave comments and answer questions. The contribution, current edits and positions of the cursors of each user are distinguished by different colors. To organize cloud storage of documents, the systems href=”https://nextCloud.com/”> nextCloud seafile and pydio .


The editing interface displayed in the browser is formed using the LibreOffice regular engine and allows you to achieve a fully identical display of the document structure with the version for desktop systems. The interface is displayed using the HTML5-based GTK library, designed to draw the output of the GTK applications in the Web-Brauzer window. For calculations, mosaic drawing and multilayer layout of the document, the standard Libreofficekit is used. To organize server interaction with a browser, transmitting images with parts of the interface, organizing caching pieces of images and working with the preservation of documents, a special Web Services Daemon.

is involved

The main changes:

/Media reports.