The bill for purchasing power and the budgetary collective, which will soon be presented in the Council of Ministers, revalue the amount of several allowances while improving aid to cover the costs related to home-work.
To mitigate the shock caused by inflationary tensions, the government is preparing to raise the level of several services faster than expected. Those who enter the field of the Ministry of Labor will be increased from the 1 er July 2022 and not the 1 er April 2023. This is what the project of Law on the preservation of purchasing power to which Le Monde had, in part, access. According to our information, the increase will be 4 %.
This measure applies in particular to the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), granted to the unemployed at the end of the right. The same goes for people receiving financial assistance within the framework of the youth engagement contract – a mechanism implemented in early March for the benefit of the under 26s who are struggling to enter the world of work. The revaluation also concerns the audiences registered in an establishment for insertion by employment (EPIDE).
boost for the “premium transport”
Furthermore, the budgetary collective which will be presented in a few days temporarily improves the tax regime for “transport premium”. This system concerns companies that support all or part of the fuel expenses of their employees using a personal vehicle to go to work. At present, this advantage is exempt from income tax up to 200 euros per year maximum; This ceiling will be increased to 400 euros “in respect of the years 2022 and 2023”, according to the “file” which presents the article included in the amending finance law.
In addition, the conditions to be eligible for the transport premium will be temporarily relaxed in 2022 and 2023. may benefit all employees who use an electric, hybrid or hydrogen vehicle “for their trips between their usual residence and their place work “.
Finally, this transport premium can be combined, in 2022 and 2023, with the aid provided by the company to cover part of the price of a subscription to public transport. The purpose of these provisions is to support employees whose standard of living is allocated by the flight price price while facilitating the use of several means of transport (individual or collective).