Reinforced by ten new deputies among its thirty -one regional elected officials, the lepenist group also loses three elected officials. Its president, Thierry Mariani, has also decided to give up his place.
In Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the surge national rally (RN) was very powerful during the legislative elections. Out of the forty-two constituencies involved in this region of five million inhabitants, twenty-one returned to the RN. A “historic result” for local party officials. The replicas of this unprecedented electoral earthquake could not spare the hemicycle of the regional council, where the extreme right has been, since 2015, the only opposition to the right and the center concocted by the president, Renaud Muselier, and by his predecessor, Christian Estrosi. Among the twenty -one new nationalist deputies elected Sunday, June 19, ten are also regional advisers, including the heads of Gondole Franck Allisio, Laure Lavalette or Frédéric Boccaletti.
“You have to have the modest victory”, tempers, Friday, June 24, the first, new deputy of the 12 e district of Bouches-du-Rhône. “It is a big step forward for our ideas and I hope that it will push Renaud Muselier to change his attitude, and finally accept the amendments we formulate, as other regions already do,” continues this political advisor from Marine Le Pen.
Less than a week after the elections, the plenary session of the regional community will not be that of triumphalism for the RN group. Reinforced by this abundance of new parliamentarians, it also appears paradoxically weakened by the sidelining of three of his elected officials and by the announcement of the withdrawal of its group president, Thierry Mariani, only one year after the election.
“Local division maneuvers”
If, in his introductory remarks, Renaud Muselier congratulates all the new deputies -of which only one, Sabrina Agresti -Roubache, elected together!, is part of his majority -, he does not hesitate to send a few spikes to his political opponents. “You are the oldest and the only one to stay at the door [of the assembly], you must have it through it,” he noted at Varois Amaury Navarranne, the only candidate of the RN beaten on the eight constituencies of his department. “You will have to choose between your mandates,” also recalls, in a paternalistic tone, the one who was deputy for fifteen years to the six lepenist parliamentarians who are in a situation of cumulation.
Before the session, Laure Lavalette, elected in the 2 e district of Var, was the first to make her choice public. She leaves the City Council of Toulon to devote herself to the Assembly and the Regional Council. An option that also study Franck Allisio, who, elected deputy on the edge of the Berre pond, could abandon the Marseille municipal council. Frédéric Boccaletti, he is hesitant, recalling his attachment to his commune of Six-Fours, where he campaigned, he says, “for twenty-two years”.
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