A report published on June 21 deplores that women occupy only a third of positions of responsibility while they represent nearly two thirds of the workforce.
It is time to “change the gear” in parity between men and women in the high public service. This is what two senators, the socialist Martine Filleul (North) and the centrist Dominique Vérien (Yonne), in a report published on June 21. “Today, in 2022, they deplore, women still occupy a third of the positions of responsibility within the public service, even though they represent almost two thirds of the workforce.” An objective of 40 % must be fixed by law, they require, and the perimeter of jobs should also be extended.
Today, the so-called “wild” law of March 2012, imposes a rate of 40 %, but only for “first-nominations” (first appointment to a position). It is a floor part for each sex, within nearly 6,000 superior supervision jobs and administration management.
Admittedly, from this point of view, the goal has been achieved since 2020. “Although slow, the progression is undeniable”, write the two rapporteurs of the Delegation to the Women’s Rights of the Senate. The rate of female primary nominations increased by ten points between 2013 and 2020 (33 % to 43 %), “testifying to a form of acculturation to this device”.
victory in trompe-l ‘eye
But it is a trompe-l’oeil victory, deplore the my godson and verien. Because if the “flow” has improved, it does not see much in the “stock”. At the end of 2020, only 35 % of higher supervision and leader positions were therefore occupied by women (against 27 % in 2015).
Admittedly, this varies according to public functions. In the one that serves the State, this goes from 27 % (economy) to 46 % (social affairs). “The proportion of women, note the senators, remains lower in historically male ministries and in jobs considered to be the most prestigious or the most technical.” “Systemic resistance subjects” were noted at the Ministry of Justice. Foreign affairs, armies, economics and services of the Prime Minister are particularly late. These four ministries also had to pay penalties in 2020 for a total of 1,080,000 euros; Indeed, non-compliance with wild law is sanctioned by a fine.
The elected officials greet the “proactive actions” carried out by certain ministries (foreign or interior affairs, for example). But their results remain “weak”, in particular because they are traditionally male trades (and viviers), which value “availability”, “a large hourly amplitude” and “geographic mobility”, justified the ministry public transformation and function. By the way, M my godson and verien also note that these disparities “are found in remuneration”. The gap between women and men is 13 %, 3 % of which are not explained by objective reasons.
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